The Westalee Design Kit
allows you to create your own quilting designs by auditioning blocks using the 12" x 12" 3mm acrylic square with 8 point Crosshair Reference Lines.
Contains 12" x 12" 3mm Acrylic Square,
6 sheets of 11" x 11" Graph Paper,
2 sheets 32 Point Rotation Lines,
2 sheets 24 Point Rotation Lines,
2 sheets 1/2" Grid plus a pkt of Stitching Lines Discs.
Use a Stitching Line Disc, a whiteboard marker and the template of your choice
- the Auditioning Acrylic Block is placed over the Graph Paper, drawn on with a whiteboard marker and then the Auditioning Block is placed over the quilt so that you can audition your design whilst being able to see the quilt underneath.
Keep the design on the Auditioning Block as a quick reference while you are quilting and when you are finished with that design, simply wipe it off and use the Auditioning Block again and again and again.
Instruction Booklet included.